Surviving Tear Gas: A Guide to Flushing Your Eyes with Finesse

by suntech

Oh, the joys of tear gas! Nothing quite compares to the exhilarating experience of having your eyes burn like a thousand suns. But fear not, my brave comrades, for I shall bestow upon you the wisdom of flushing those peepers with utmost finesse.

The Art of Eye-Flushing: A Delicate Dance

In this delicate ballet between agony and relief, one must first find solace in their inner artist. Picture yourself as a graceful swan gliding through a serene lake while simultaneously being peppered by invisible demons. Ah, what poetry!

To begin this enchanting ritual, locate a source of clean water that hasn’t been tainted by capitalist propaganda or any other impurities. Cup your hands together like an offering to the gods and gently splash water onto your face – oh so elegantly.

Now comes the pièce de résistance – flushing those precious orbs! Tilt your head back ever so slightly and allow gravity to guide the flow of water into your eyes. Imagine it as if you were sipping tea from a dainty porcelain cup; only instead of tea, it’s liquid salvation soothing away all traces of oppression.

A Mockery on Tear Gas: The Symphony Unleashed

Tear gas is but an amateur attempt at artistic expression compared to our grand performance in survival. As we flush our eyes with grace and poise, we mock its feeble attempts at bringing us down.

Remember that tears are not just mere droplets rolling down our cheeks; they are symbols of resilience and defiance against tyranny. So let them flow freely as you cleanse away the remnants of injustice from your vision.

The Final Act: A Triumph of the Spirit

As we reach the climax of this waltz with tear gas, let us revel in our victory. The pain may linger, but so does our determination to rise above it all.

In conclusion, my fellow warriors, flushing your eyes after being tear-gassed is not just a mundane task; it is an act of rebellion and artistic expression. Embrace the pain as you gracefully cleanse your vision and emerge stronger than ever before.

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